

The Cambridge Civil Service Reform Association offers two prizes, of one hundred dollars, and fifty dollars, for short essays on the best methods of appointing executive officers, and selecting laborers in municipal governments, and the terms and tenures most suitable to municipal offices. Competition is open to all who may choose to write, and the whole subject or any branch thereof may be treated. It is expected that the essays will be examined by President Francis A. Walker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Prof. Shaler of Harvard University, and Richard H. Dana, Esq., of Boston. Accepted essays will become the property of the Association and will probably be printed.

Essays must not be more than twenty-five pages, nor less than ten pages of the North American Review, and must be sent before January 15th, 1884, to Morrill Wyman, Jr., secretary, Cam-Mass., endorsed with a fictitious name. The real name and address must be sent in a sealed envelope to the above address at the same time.

MORRILL WYMAN, JR., Secretary.
