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Mr. D. N. Baxter, '83 who won the heavy weight sparring here last spring, expects to enter for the amateur heavy weight championship contest at New York.

"Chaff" thus reproves Columbia's waywardness in aquatic matters:

"Columbia College has for the third time failed to send a crew to the Child's race. On each occasion she has disappointed the two other contesting colleges; and her course has been discourteous throughout. With her reasons for retiring we have nothing to do; but we have a right to be informed of the result of those reasons before the last moment. If Columbia feels that she cannot afford to supply crews for New London and the Schuykill, let her withdraw from the latter. Our Varsity would be glad to meet her on any other course, at any other time; but she has forfeited her place in the Child's race, and her own good sense should prompt her to withdraw."
