

On Tuesday last the Harvard Bicycle Club held the largest and most successful meet the club ever held. Before five o'clock, when the start was to be made, bicycles were seen coming from all sides towards University, and at a few minutes after five 23 members rode slowly out of the yard. The route lay through Mt. Auburn and Belmont to Arlington. Here the moon rose and the rest of the ride to Lexington was made very beautiful by the moonlight. At Lexington the club rode slowly through, round the common, and back to the Russell House, which, together with several private houses in Lexington was decorated with Chinese lanterns in honor of the club. Here, after a few minutes rest the club sat down to a hearty supper. After supper, songs and speeches followed each other in quick succession. What with the informality of song and speech and the general jollity the time passed only too quickly. Among the songs Mr. Harrison's "Major Gilfeather" took and was encored over and again. The club owes its thanks to Mr. Mason for his kindness in acting as toastmaster. Finally after the songs and speeches were done and everybody was hoarse from cheering, a move was made into the big ball of the hotel. This, together with the dining room and pool tables had been kept by the kindness of Mr. Russell, for the exclusive use of the club. Dancing and singing was kept up till after ten, when the order was given to mount for home. The club reached home safely, there not being a single fall or accident, at about eleven, and after riding once round the yard disbanded in front of University, everybody agreeing that they had a capital tie, and that the meet was a grand success in every way. A word of thanks is due Mr. Russell, the proprietor of the Russell House for his being so obliging as to keep his main rooms open to the club alone, and for his general courtesy.

