Polo has been started here.
The recitation in Roman Law 1, will be omitted today.
There will be no lecture in History 13 tomorrow.
Yale is said to be working hard at lacrosse this fall.
Meeting of the Total Abstinence Society tonight in Sever 11 at 7.30.
A meeting of the Harvard Union will be held next Monday evening.
The juniors have as yet received no instruction in regard to their first forensic, which is due in less than a week.
Tickets for the lacrosse game are on sale at Brock and Leavitt's and by members of the team. Price 25 cents.
Individual prizes will be given to each member of the winning team in the lacrosse game Saturday.
Bicycle hare and hounds on Saturday at 3 P. M. Time cups given besides the usual prizes.
A number of Harvard men attended the tournament at Longwood yesterday. Considerable interest was manifested in the event.
The Springfield Republican number on its staff four Harvard men, Joseph F. Johnson, '77; Burton M. Firman, '82; L. A. Coolidge and J. B. Smith, '83.
There will be a game of lacrosse between the Unions and Harvards on Jarvis field Saturday. The contest for long accurate throwing, for which cups will be given, will begin at 3 P. M. and the game will be called at 4.
Mr. Laughlin has appointed a fourth hour in which to answer questions in Political Economy 1. He will meet the section in Sever 11 from 2 to 3 Tuesday, the same day and place in which Mr. Wendell meets the juniors for instruction in themes.
The first number of the Lampoon will be out today.
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