

No Headline

We trust that it will be found possible to give another series of concerts by the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Sunders again this year, for the number in attendance evinced how fully they were appreciated, not only by the students, but also by those living in Cambridge. There is no means by which general education in music can be better spread, or love for it more carefully nurtured among men too busy to devote much time to it, than by the cheap concerts which are so high in point of excellence. It is claimed that they have a tendency to crowd out all other local music on account of their exceedingly low price, and if this be the case, it would certainly be a matter of regret to all, but really there seems to be room enough for both. Such a claim is unjust. They can never affect the great mass of local music for they do not enter into competition with it. If however, the question ever narrows to a choice between concerts by a club or two, and such a series of concerts as we were favored with last winter, we most certainly hope that the latter may continue, though it does not seem at all probable that any such choice will ever have to be made. We earnestly hope, therefore, that at an early date the concerts may be announced.
