

No Headline

We cannot condemn in too emphatic terms the demonstrations which occurred at Memorial several times last week alone, when persons appeared in the gallery with their hats on. There is no notice posted regarding the wearing of hats and when gentlemen, entirely unconscious of any rudeness do wear their hats, it is to say the least, a very impolite thing to create a disturbance. Nothing could be more rude. If there are any persons at Memorial whose instincts are so refined, whose delicate sense of courtesy is so great that they cannot refrain from noticing an unintentional discourtesy except by a gross insult, then stringent clues ought to be adopted by the association to see that all such be dismissed from the hall, for they are doing much to remove the hitherto prevalent idea that a Harvard student is always a gentleman. If a notice is posted regarding the wearing of hats, and rules are adopted for the expulsion of any and all members found stamping, all such disturbances will be stopped. But let their be no mistake about it now. This repetition has gone on yearly and at length the limit has been reached.
