Reading of sophomores for the Lee prize tonight in Boylston Hall at 7.30.
The "Anex" attended Prof. Von Holst's lecture last evening in a body.
History 13 will hereafter recite in Lower Dane Hall.
Prof, Hermann Von Holst will take for the subject of his lecture this evening "Parlementarismus" in Germany.
Last Saturday the Yale nine made but three safe hits, yet defeated the Hartfords, who made ten.
Mr. Mallon, '85, is captain of the Yale lacrosse team, and Mr. Spence, '85, of the Princeton team.
The following men have been appointed on the photographic committee for the class of '84: Abbott, Glover and Prentiss.
About twenty bicyclists, members of the Massachusetts Bicycle and the New York Citizen's Clubs, visited Harvard yesterday.
Subscriptions to the Reading Room ($3.00 for the year) may be left at Bartlett's. All intending to join are urged to put down their names as soon as possible, so that periodicals may be ordered and the room started as soon as possible.
The committee of the senior class appointed to make arrangements for the class elections have adopted the rules used by eighty-three, except that the names of candidates receiving less than ten votes, or the least number of votes, will be dropped only after each alternate ballot, instead of after each ballot.
The following are the officers of the Everett Athenxum: Merriam, president; Huddleston, vice president; Thompson, secretary; Lloud, treasurer, Luques, chorister; O. R. Roberts, stage manager; Palmer, Von Klenze and Weed, Standing committee, and Rankin, Hobson and Stevens, editors.
A repetition of the recent disgraceful seine at Memorial occurred last evening. Freshmen should remember that stamping will not gain for their class an enviable reputation.
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