

The lacrosse men have been practising steadily for the last fortnight, but have been at a great disadvantage from the loss of many of last year's team, and from the disinclination of many of the new men to walk daily as far as they must to play. The team is to play the Unions of Boston, one of the best twelves in the country, next Saturday, on Jarvis, by way of practice for the Oelrichs tournament at New York the following week. Immediately preceding Saturday's game will occur the throwing competitions, at which we hinted some time since. The conditions of the contest are to be as follows: Any student of the university may take part. Each contestant to deposit as an entrance fee 50 cents for each event for which he proposes to try, to H. M. Williams Secretary, 39 Thayer, before 10 P. M., next Friday, the fees to be returned to the men who actually take part in the throwing. The first trial will be for long throwing. At a distance of 90 yds. from the take off two goal posts are to be stationed 25 yards apart; and each throw to be counted must be within the line of the posts. Six alternate throws will he allowed each contestant, and the man making the longest good throw will receive the cup. The second competition will be for accurate throwing. Goal posts are to be placed 40 yards from the scratch, the man who can throw the most goals in six tries to win, all ties to be thrown off in six additional tries. Cups are to be given to the winner in each events, and any contestant beating one hundred yards in the long throw will receive a certificate of his record It is hoped that these events will add some zest to the remaining fall practice, and that the men will come out in stronger force. The following men have done good work, and the team will probably be chosen from them, unless Easton and Henry who have been playing foot-ball, should play: Rueter, Goodale, Noyes, Marquand, Woods, Roundy, Baldwin, '85, Bradford, '86, Bowen, Abbott, '87, Howes, Hood and Pupper. The lacrosse team are working against every disadvantage this fall, and certainly deserve hearty support of the college.
