

A book to receive the signatures of those who wish to become members of the College Reading Room Association has been placed at Bartlett's. Names may be left there or given to any of the following named gentlemen: Messrs. W. B. Noble or A. M. Butler '84; W. A. Halbert or F. I. Carpenter '85; J. M. Merriam, '86, or W. B. Scofield, '87. The subscription price for the year has been fixed at $3.00. Money must be paid on signing, as certain immediate expenses will have to be met in subscriptions to periodicals, etc., in case the reading room is started. Unless (100) one hundred names are secured before Oct 20th, the room will not be started. The directors hope that all who desire the continuance of the reading room will sign immediately, so that final arrangements may be made as soon as possible for securing a room, and for lighting and heating. If a sufficient number of names be secured it is hoped that the room may be lighted and kept open evenings.

W. B. NOBLE '84, Pres.F. I. CARPENTER '85, Sec. and Treas.
