

Students' rooms at Harvard furnished promptly with shades draperies, bedroom and study furniture at Pame's, 48 Canal street, Boston.

Tutoring in German by a Harvard graduate who has studied three years in Germany. Address R, Herald-Crimson.

Lost- A Fall Overcoat. The finder will please leave it at Bartlett's.

Messrs. Collins and Fairbands of 407 Washintton St., have just received an elegant line of English hats from the celebrated hatter "White," of Jermyn St., London.

Mr. C.T. Copeland is prepared to instruct a limited number of pupils in Elocution and Gesture. References: Professor A. S. Hill; Mr. George Riddle; Mr. F. N. Sargent. Also, excellent references for previous success. For terms, and further particulars, apply by letter or in person at No, 12 Appian Way, Cambridge.


Found-A small puppy. Owner can find dog at Prof. Norton's stable, off Dirkland street.

Shorthand taught-Positively shortest method. Terms low. Address, F. B. Gregory, 26 Mellen St.

One club of twelve or more gentlemen can be accommodated with board at Mrs. T. H. Brewer's, Brattle square.

To let-Three suites of furnished rooms for students. Well ventilated and sunny, recently occupied by Mrs. Stewart, 19 Hilliard, corner of Mt. Auburn street, the undersigned having leased the same. Mrs. Roger Sherman.
