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The following are the dimensions of the new athletic field at Yale: Area, hillside and meadow, 8.4 acres; cricket field, 3.67; track and vicinity, 4.68; baseball field, 10; roads and cottage sites, 2.25. Total area, 29 acres. Distance from home plate to nearest obstruction on principal ball field, 420ft.; same, second field, 350ft. Cricket field, 400ft. square. Grade of ball field, 3 1-4 in. to 100ft. Length of driveway, 4,000ft. Length straightaway on running track, 372.5ft.; radius inside curve, 90ft.; width of homestretch, 20ft.; width of rest of track, 15ft.; depth of material, 15in., in six layers, and beaded inside and outside with tarred spruce and hemlock 6in.x1in. Length of fencing, 2,762ft.; length of water pipe, 1,580ft.; line of field, 3 dig. west of north. Money spent (approximately): Original purchase, $21,000; expenditure, $13,000. Total, $34,000.
