

A handicap tennis tournament open to all, will be held on the Longwood Cricket grounds, (Brookline,) beginning Wednesday, Oct 17th, at 10 A.M. There are to be five classes of players in the singles, and they will be handicapped as follows: First class will give to second class 2 bisques, to third class 2 bisques and 1-2 15; to fourth class 2 bisques and 15; to fifth class 2 bisques and 1-2 30. The second, third and fourth classes will give to each lower class the same as the first gives, with the exception of the 2 bisques. Each round will be best two out of three sets except the finals which will be best three out of five. All the sets in the finals, and the deciding ones in the preliminary rounds, will be played with vantage games. Entrance fee will be $1.00 for singles, and 75 cents each for doubles. The entry list will be closed Monday, Oct. 15th, at 3 P. M. The drawing for the first round will take place on the grounds Monday, Oct. 15th, at 5 P. M. Entries may be made at Wright and Ditson's No. 580 Washington St., Boston.
