

Football game today between University of Pennsylvania and Harvard on Jarvis.

Both sections in Political Economy 1 will recite next Monday at 9 o'clock in Sever 11.

F. S. Parker; '86, has been elected steward of the II. A. A. in place of R. D. Smith, '86, secretary of the Association.

A picked eleven composed of '85 and '86 men who were formerly pupils at St. Marks, will play a game of foot-ball today at Southboro' with the St. Marks eleven.

A lacrosse match has been arranged for Oct. 20, between the Unions of Boston and the Harvards. The game will be played on Jarvis field.


The second of a series of lectures on the "History and Methods of Classical Study" will be given by Prof. Allen in Sever 14 at 11 A. M. today.

The bicycle hare and hounds run will take place today if the weather is not very rainy. If the roads are muddy a much longer time limit will be fixed.

We are requested to call attention to the rule of the faculty, established some years ago, which forbids the reading of papers and books by students in the chapel, both during prayers, and before the service has begun.

The Registrar will be glad to give seniors such information as they may wish in reference to per cents, conditions, etc. His hours are Monday and Thursday from 2.30 to 4.30, and Wednesday and Friday from 4 to 5.

The result of the reading by freshmen for the Lee Prizes was as follows: A prize of $40 to W. T. Talbot of Boston, from the Boston Latin School; a prize of $30 to F.E. E. Hamilton of Boston, from the Boston Latin School; a prize of $25 to L. B. Stedman of Boston, from the Roxbury Latin School, and a prize of $20 to A. C. Coolidge of Boston, from Adams Academy.

Important meeting of the class of '84 on Tuesday evening next.

The five dollar subscription tickets to the football games have been placed on sale at Brock and Leavitt's and can be had at the gate today.

The attendance should be large at the foot-ball game this afternoon, as the management have been obliged to guarantee a large amount to get this game.

The senior class photograph committee have prepared their report, which they will hand in at the class meeting on Tuesday evening next.

Some slight changes have been made in the new order lists at Memorial.

Professor Von Holst, the author of "The Constitutional History of the United States" and other historical works, will deliver two lectures on Wednesday and Thursday evenings next, at 7.30, in Sever 1I. The subject of the first lecture will be, "Representative Government in Germany," and that of the second, "Parliamentarismus." Professor Von Holst is an eloquent and entertaining speaker, and will deliver his lectures in English, which should insure him a large and attentive audience.

C. W. Andrews '82, won first prize in a tennis tournament held at Buffalo in August. Together with C. H. Keep '82, also won first prize in the doubles. Mr. Andrews also came out second in a tournament in Canada.

The Yale lacrosse team will play a practice game with the New York University club at New Haven, Oct. 24, as preliminary to the annual inter collegiate lacrosse meeting on the 26th at the polo grounds, when the Harvard, Princeton, Yale, New York University and Columbia teams will compete for the Oelrichs cup, now held by Harvard.
