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The action of the faculty in offering, through Mr. Wendell, advanced instruction in rhetoric and theme writing to those who have not been able to secure admission into English 5, is an indication of the desire of the college to strengthen the department of English and to enlarge the opportunities offered to those who wish to perfect themselves in the writing of modern English. It has been said for some time that there is a strong party in the board of overseers who are in favor of directing a larger share of attention in the arrangement of the curriculum to the exact and comprehensive study of our mother tongue. However this may be, it is certain that the department of modern English and of theme instruction in the college is very much in need of reorganizing or of strengthening in some manner or other. The prescribed courses given in this department have never been popular, and according to the common opinion have met with a very slight success in accomplishing the end aimed at. What plan the college can adopt to improve it in this respect it is difficult to suggest.
