

The second meeting of the College Tennis Association was finished yesterday on the Asylum grounds at Hartford, Conn. Like the opening tournament, it resulted in a victory for Harvard in both doubles and singles. Play was begun on Tuesday afternoon ; our double team, Presbrey, '85, and Taylor, '86, meeting the Amherst men and defeating them by a score of 6-0, 6-4. That afternoon, also, the single play was inaugurated, Presbrey retiring, after a well fought contest with Thorne, of Yale. Taylor, meanwhile defeated Knapp of Yale. On Wednesday the doubles were finished, our reprerentatives defeating teams from Trinity 6-1, 6-2, Brown 6-1, 6-5, and Yale, 5-6, 6-4, 6-2. The first two sets with Yale were very closely contested, that college showing much improvement since last spring. The Harvard men played fairly well, especially Presbrey at the net in the singles. Taylor succeeded in defeating Appleton of Amherst 6, 2, 6, 4; and then had the good luck to draw a bye. Thorne of Yale meanwhile defeated both the strong men of the strong Brown team, who in turn had put out the representatives of Trinity, Amherst and Weslevan Thursday morn and Thorne, which resulted in a victory for Harvard by a score of 1-6, 6-1, 6-4, 6-0. Thorne showed the better play, but was defeated by nervousness more than by any other cause. The order of the colleges was as follows : In the "all round" double tournament Harvard was first, Yale, Brown, Amherst and Trinity following in the order named. In the "single drop out" tournament, Harvard being the victor. Yale, Brown, Trinity Amherst and Wesleyan followed in the above order. The question of a spring tournament was discussed but no decision was reached.


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