


The New York Tribune Association, at its annual meeting today, declared a dividend of 25 per cent.

$10,000, the subscription of citizens of Lyons, France, for the Garfield Hospital fund, have been received.

Norman W. Smith of Rutland, Vt., who had been attending medical lectures at Atlanta, Ga., committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart on Sunday last.

The Senate bill increasing the fees of star route witnesses coming from west of the Mississippi river was yesterday referred to the House committee on the judiciary, with leave to report at any time.

The ways and means committee yesterday completed its work upon the tariff commission report, with the exception of some further revision, which will be done after the reprinting of the schedule in corrected form.


The sixty-third anniversary of the battle of New Orleans was celebrated by a grand banquet at the Revere House last evening. Speeches were made by Gen. Butler, Mayor Palmer of Boston and other prominent men from different sections of the country.

By a collision on the Burlington and Northern Railroad at Cedar Rapids, Ia., yesterday morning, two engines were wrecked and a car containing the properties of a theatrical company was destroyed. Four men were severely injured, and one named Scott was killed.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 9, 1. A. M. For New England, clearing weather, northerly winds, stationary or lower temperature, followed by rising barometer.
