A great deal of dissatisfaction has been expressed by members of the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality, that those organizations are not allowed to give concerts in Boston and other cities. It is true that they are allowed to give benefit concerts - that is, concerts for somebody else's benefit - but not for their own. But they are unable to receive more than their expenses for any concert they may give in other cities. All that is made over and above the actual cost of the trip must be turned over to the local management under whose auspices the entertainments are held. This is manifestly unfair to these organizations. At other colleges no such rule is in force, as far as we know. The Yale Glee Club recently gave a concert in Boston by which they must have made enough to pay a great deal of their standing expenses. The Harvard Glee Club and the Pierian Sodality could certainly meet with equal success if they were given the opportunity. The expenses of running the two societies are large, and the only means of meeting them have been hitherto the proceeds of the concerts given in Cambridge, which have not been so well attended as they should have been. A concert in Boston would do much to aid them in providing for their current expenses. In the case of other organizations no such rule has been considered necessary. The base-ball and foot-ball clubs are allowed to play games in other cities, and a great part of their revenue is obtained from these outside games. There is surely no reason why the same privilege should not be granted to our musical organizations, which are so worthy of support. We hope it will not be long before they meet with fairer treatment.
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