

In order that the objects of the Inter-Collegiate Press Association may be fully understood we give the constitution in full.

ARTICLE I.NAME AND OBJECT.SECTION 1. This association shall be called "The Inter-Collegiate Press Association."

SECTION 2. The object of this association shall be to build up a social and quasi professional friendship among its members, and to elevate the standard of college journalism, having due regard to local demands and differences.

ARTICLE II.MEMBERSHIP.SECTION 1. The term "college journal" shall be considered as applying only to journals published in a college, the majority of the editors of which paper shall be undergraduates, responsible to the faculty of such college.

SECTION 2. Any college journal after applying for admission, and securing a favorable report from the board of reference, subsequently ratified by a two-thirds vote of the association, may, by signing this constitution and paying an entrance fee of ten dollars, become a member of the Inter-Collegiate Press Association.


SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of every paper represented in the association to strive to maintain a high standard of literary and editorial excellence; and in order that an additional incentive may be given, the membership of each paper shall be dependent upon the relative standing of such paper as a college journal.

SECTION 4. Each paper shall elect annually a corresponding secretary, whose duties are hereinafter provided.

ARTICLE III.OFFICERS.SECTION 1. The officers of this association shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer and a board of reference.

SECTION 2. The president shall be a senior and the vice-president a junior.

SECTION 3. The position of secretary-treasurer shall be placed in the hands of some journal in the association.

SECTION 4. The board of reference shall consist of three papers, including that to which the president belongs.

ARTICLE IV.DUTIES OF OFFICERS.SECTION 1. The duties of the president shall be to preside at all meetings of the association, and to act as chairman of the board of reference.

SECTION 2. The duties of the vice-president shall be to perform the duties of the president in case of absence or disability on the part of the latter.

SECTION 3. The duties of the secretary-treasurer shall be to record the proceedings of the meetings, to attend to all correspondence, to receive and disburse the funds of the association, and to perform all duties specified at any convention.

SECTION 4. The duties of the board of reference shall be to decide, subject to the ratification of the association, all questions of admission and expulsion of members, after due notification and correspondence with members of the association, to assume all the functions of an executive committee, to take charge of all literary exercises hereinafter provided, and to act as a committee on credentials.
