The annual report of the treasurer of Yale College for the year ended July 31, 1882, has just been published. The university funds amount to $448,491, an increase of about $22,000; the income from these funds was $53,448; the total amount of the academic fund is $795,848, yielding an income of $177,536, out of which several thousand dollars in annuities was paid. The expenses of the department were $166,799, of which $14,330 was paid in salaries of instructors and $6000 for scholarships. The funds of the theological department amount to $321,031, of which over $40,000 is for scholarships; the income of the department was $27,714 from investments of the funds, and the expenditures were $27,633. The Sheffield Scientific School has a fund of $141,263; the income from this fund was $1345, but donations, tuition fees, laboratory receipts and the income from the State agricultural fund ($7910) increased the receipts of the year to $51,856. The expenses of the school were $56,944. The medical college fund is $28,898; the receipts from all sources, chiefly tuitions, were $6158, and the expenses, $8020. The only fund of the law department is the library fund of $10,000, yielding an income of $600. The receipts for tuition were $7333, and the expenditure, $7924. The aggregate of all funds was $1,826,532. The needs of the university are in excess of its income, especially in the academic, scientific, medical and law departments. - [Ex.
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