With the close of the Christmas recess comes a season of hard work, both for the student and athlete. Candidates for all the athletic organizations will begin active work, preparatory to contests upon the water and, ball-field. Those who intend to compete in the winter meetings of the Athletic Association will or should begin training immediately, in order that these popular meetings may not be less successful this year than in the past. The standard of excellence has always been high, and it will require more than average exertion to prevent it from falling. With so many events in prospective, the number of men who will appear daily at the gymnasium will doubtless be larger than at any other time in the year and will augur well for a good showing in the numerous contests in which we are to engage, both amongst ourselves and against common rivals. Our facilities for training and gymnasium work are unexcelled, and it is our duty, as it should be our pleasure, to make the most of them.
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Special Notices.