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The experience of the last two years seems to us to show that a change is desirable in the manner of deciding the day on which class races should be rowed. The differences of opinion on this point last year were settled, we believe, by a meeting of the captains of the crews. This year the executive committee of the boat club, with whom the official decision lies, settled the day of the race, but the meeting of the senior class has shown that one class, at least, has very decided objections to the date fixed by the committee. The committee are now reconsidering the matter, but no decision, we believe, has yet been reached. The executive committee of the boat club represents the rowing interests of the university, but can hardly be said to represent the classes, who, it seems only fair, should be represented. If the captains of the crews, together with the executive committee, should be empowered to settle the day of the race, it seems to us that while the general rowing interests of the university were cared for, the classes could have no cause to be dissatisfied with the decision.


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