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If it is true, as reported on the authority of a Virginia paper, that William and Mary College has closed, Yale is advanced to the second position, in respect to age, among American colleges. William and Mary was chartered by the King and Queen of England in 1692, eight years before Yale was founded, and for a long time was the distinctive college of the South. It graduated four Presidents of the United States, and at one time had among its students Chief Justice Marshall and Gen. Scott. But after the incorporation of Hampden-Sidney and the University of Virginia, its catalogue of students became yearly smaller, until in 1860 it contained but 60 names. Among other colleges in the United States it may be interesting to know that after Harvard come, in point of age, Yale founded in 1700; the college of New Jersey, 1746; University of Pennsylvania, 1749; Brown, 1764; and Dartmouth, 1769. Most of the other prominent colleges were chartered at a considerably more recent date.
