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The last number of the Exonian tells us of the decline of Exeter boating interests for want of proper boats, and appeals to Harvard to supply the deficiency, saying that as a majority of Exeter men go to Harvard, we would eventually get most of the advantage derived from their having adequate boating facilities. With regard to boating, no other preparatory school, with the exception of St. Paul's, has such good natural opportunities as Exeter, and yet, as all graduates of Exeter know, these opportunities have been, and are now, greatly diminished through lack of boats. Exeter men have always taken great interest in boating, and if the academy club were made a protege of the college association, that interest would be more than redoubled. Boating is at present, however, held below base-ball and foot-ball at Exeter; in fact, as the Exonian says, very few men will row unless they are unable to obtain places on the nine or eleven.

Now, although it might not be advisable for any of our future oarsmen to take a thorough course of training at Exeter, and thus get into bad form and rowing habits inconsistent with our stroke here, still enough work to accustom men to swinging an oar and sitting in a boat would be eminently beneficial to those Exeter men who expect to row after entering Harvard.

It therefore seems very proper that Harvard should take some notice of Exeter's wants and respond promptly to her appeal for boats. We can do this all the more handily as we now have lying idle in the boat house several six-oars which can be of no earthly use to any one here. And even if a purchaser could be found, the boat club can expect to get no more than a nominal price for them. Thus, aside from the fact that we have an opportunity of showing our kindly feeling toward Exeter, it is more for our own interests to give her some of our spare boats in preference to selling them for an inconsiderable sum. We wish, therefore to call the attention of the executive committee to the matter, in hopes that they will ascertain exactly what Exeter's wants are, and then make some arrangement towards satisfying her needs.
