

The Exonian of Phillips Exeter Academy has the following : "Last year, as most of our readers are aware, boating was far below par. The reason for this sudden change from the intense enthusiasm of the previous year to a state of utter indifference was due to the decidedly unsatisfactory - to put it mildly - boats in which the crews would be compelled to row. Now, unless new boats are secured this spring a race next June is not likely to occur. The boat club, we are informed, has not many thousand dollars in its treasury, in fact, is barely free from debt and that is all. Therefore to buy boats is all out of the question. Of course Harvard understands how much benefit she receives from training received at Exeter in the different branches of athletics. A majority of the Exeter graduates enter Harvard, thus whatever proficiency is acquired while at Exeter is indirectly a benefit to Harvard. With this fact in view we would call the attention of the Harvard Boat Club to our need and suggest the advisability of presenting us with boats. We understand that the club has several old boats which it wishes to dispose of, and we can see no better way than to give them to us, who are certainly in great need of them. We have in the school several excellent oarsmen besides many who will, with proper training, develop into good men. Most of them intend to enter Harvard. It seems to be settled that unless we are successful in getting boats there will be no races this year. The boat club cannot expect Harvard to send boats until some formal statement of its circumstances and demand is made. We believe that such a demand will be made at an early day. Harvard, what can you do for us?"
