The St. Louis Post-Dispatch says that the State University of Missouri is wretchedly managed and poorly supported. "Its buildings are unfit for their purposes, the class-rooms are insufficient and badly heated, there is no accommodation worth speaking of for students, and the zeal and energy so creditably shown by all connected with the university - curators, faculty and students - are painfully mocked by the contrast with the ancient, rickety and poverty-stricked quarters in which learning is compelled to house itself. The State of Missouri has been badly advertised abroad for years. In the older days border raids, guerillas and reprisals gave an unfavorable impression of the state of civilization within our limits, and even today we have not freed ourselves from the reproach incurred by the recent exploits of our noted handits. Yet when we attempt to defend ourselves by pointing to the evidence of our higher civilization, we are confronted by the spectacle of our chief temple of learning housed in ancient barns and cramped and obstructed by the scantiness of resources which hardly permit it to assume the dignity of a common school."
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