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We are informed that but fifty odd men have paid up their subscriptions to the Reading-Room Association. Those who have given their names as subscribers should without delay pay the small fee required for membership. The leading dailies, and as many of the prominent periodicals and magazines as the limited means of the association can afford, have already been placed in the reading-room, and the room itself is well heated, but there seems to be, so far, a lack of appreciation on the part of the college in general. Certainly the least to be done by those who have signified their intention to join the association, is to meet their subscription at once, and it is to be hoped that, as the labors of the committee to give us an excellent reading-room become better appreciated, the students will respond more generously. Of course the greater the number of members, the greater will be the number and variety of the papers and magazines on file. As it is, we have a list not to be ashamed of, and the room itself is usually kept in a more comfortable condition, as to temperature, than many of the recitation rooms.
