Mr. C. C. Felton, '86, has been elected on the Lampoon.
Blue-books in Political Economy 2 are to be brought in Monday.
A number of '86 men have been writing for the Advocate this year.
The chapel choir sang yesterday a chorus from Gounod's "Redemption."
The subject of invertebrates will be taken up in N. H. 6 after the mid-years.
The examination in N. H. 16 will be given on the two lecture hours succeeding the semis.
The lecture in History 12 today will be mainly on the narrative history of the War of 1812.
At the next meeting of the Harvard Union officers for the succeeding hall year will be elected.
On each busy day at the gymnasium, Friday and Saturday, over 12,000 gallons of water are used.
The subject for discussion at the next meeting of the geological seminar on Jan. 24th, will be "Volcanic Phenomena."
The subject for the next debate in the Harvard Union will be on the question of the introduction of co-education at Harvard.
Judging from past years, Prof. Hill estimates that about two-thirds of the seniors entitled to commencement parts will write them.
The German text book to be used in Greek 9 must be ordered today from the Co-operative Society, in order to be secured by members.
A Latin oration is desired at commencement, so it is hoped that at least three seniors will write a Latin part to be read before the committee.
The system to be adopted by Dr. Laughlin in Political Economy 2 for the study of Carey's Social Science, is to divide the class into sections, have each section make a particular study of a special subject discussed by Carey, and then have the written statement of the results of this study criticised by other sections.
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