Tutoring by W. H. Page, H. 16, in N. H. 1, 2, 4, French and Spanish.
For tutor in German I., Latin I., and Pol. Econ. I., apply to G. W. Brown 15 Grays.
Tutoring in Spanish I., French II., Greek II. and Philosophy I. E. H. Lounsbury, C. H. 69.
A club table of ten or more can be accommodated at 890 Main street.
Two club tables can be accommodated with pleasant dining-rooms at 17 Dunster street.
Found - In the library, a copy of Bartlett's Shakespeare Phrase Book. Apply at the desk.
Lost - Between Cambridge and Main streets, Part 8 of Ames' Cases on Trusts. Please leave with Librarian of Law School.
Lost - On Tuesday, one link sleevebutton, checkered pattern, gold and platinum. Will finder kindly leave the above with Fred, at Drury's.
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