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The bell used at Wellesley College is from an ancient Buddhis Temple, in Japan, and was presented by J. L. Graves, Esq., of Boston. The following is the translation of tablet and inscriptions by D. T. Kuchi Ki:

Donor's Tablet. Inscribed by Ka-me-da, Giver of bell to the Buddhist Temple, cast and engraved by Ko-ga-wa, Cu-ni-no-hi, in the eleventh year of the age Bunka.

Inscriptions. The bell is the most important instrument in this temple, even as the soul in the human being, for it awakens emotions of joy and grief, and more than this, it purifies the thoughts of the people. I was interested in the ministrations of this temple, so I collected cash for the bell. Ni-or-ai says: "All my sorrow is expressed by the voice of the bell. When the wicked ones in hell hear its sound they forget for a time their torments, and, confessing their sins, pray to be received into Heaven. It also causes the devils to flee." This caused me to have Ko-ga-wa make this bell in memory of many rejoicing believers.
