

"Virginia" is to follow "Iolanthe" at the Bijou Theatre.

The third Junior Forensic is due today at 11 A. M. in Sever 3.

Mr. P. J. Eaton has tendered his resignation to the Glee Club.

More students are now making use of the gymnasium than ever before.

Yale has had a fire in one of the college buildings, and the clamor for the "never-to-be-obtained" fire escapes has arisen there.


Of twelve students who died at Leipsic during the last session of the university, one was killed in a duel and six committed suicide.

Prof. Hill stated yesterday that out of a class of from 180 to 200 students, two commencement parts were generally written which were really good !

From the sublime to the ridiculous. "If we can't have fire escapes immediately, at least let measures be taken to clean the chimneys." - [Yale News.

The new pastor of St. George's Episcopal Church in New York city is a graduate of Cambridge, England, and pulled in his university eight and the winning boat.

Yale wishes to get rid of the "staring board fence" around its campus and substitute a barb wire and a hedge. Is that because Harvard is desirous of a board fence around its campus?

As the pipe which supplies the water for the gymnasium is not large enough to furnish a sufficient quantity when the gymnasium is as crowded as of late it has been, it will be necessary, before another year, to have a larger pipe put in. Another plan, however, has been proposed by the engineer - namely, to supply the gymnasium with water by means of an artesian well, and it is possible that the latter plan may be adopted as the most feasible one.

The Glee Club gave their concert in the City Hall, Fitchburg, last evening. They were assisted by the Russell Orchestra, a local institution. The following programme was presented: Overture, Russell's Orchestra; "Good Night Beloved;" solo, "Phyllis," Mr. McCagg; "Amontillado Sherry," Mr. McCagg and Glee Club; college songs; overture, Russell's Orchestra; solo, "The Beggar Maid," Mr. Lilienthal; winter song; waltz song; college songs.

Prof. Hill met about thirty-five seniors yesterday to give information in regard to commencement parts. The number this year of those entitled to parts, he said, was unusually large, there being seventy-five in all. In regard to the choice of subjects there was no distinction between an oration, a disquisition and a dissertation. Any subject suitable for one would be suitable for the other. They were all to be of the same length, capable of being read in ten minutes, and that, according to Prof. Hill's estimate, was about ten pages of ordinary writing. The parts are selected by the commencement committee entirely, irrespective of the question of rank. Professor Hill appointed Monday, February 19, at 4 P. M., as the time for handing in the subjects. The written parts must be deposited on or before May 1 ; or, if they are intended as a substitute for two forensics, before the third Wednesday of April.
