

Meeting of the Finance Club at 7.30 tonight in Sever 22.

All except five or six seniors have had first sittings at Pach's.

The marks in Freshman Latin will be returned in the spring.

There is every prospect of a strong freshman nine this year.

The university crew will probably use last year's boat again this year.


It is likely that the semi-annual examination in Latin V. will be almost entirely at sight.

The "variety" crew is what a smart compositor set up for "'Varsity" crew in an exchange.

In Political Economy I. students will meet in two sections, as before the holidays, in Harvard 6.

Seniors entitled to commencement parts will meet Prof. A. S. Hill in Sever 5 at 4 P. M. today.

The Unitarian Review for January opens with a bright inaugural address by Dr. Emerton of Harvard.

Freshman Maximum in Greek will recite hereafter at ten o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The remaining three lectures in Natural History IV. will be devoted to a review of the first half year's work.

Theatricals for the benefit of the crew will probably be given by the Hasty Pudding Club after the April recess.

Our graduate advisory committee has been given full power in the settlement of the present Harvard-Yale race controversy.

Allen, '86, the pitcher of the Beacons in the game with the Hyde Parks last year, is a candidate for the 'Varsity nine.
