At the time of the organization of the Co-operative Society one of the numerous small advantages urged in its favor was that it could take a great deal of trouble off the hands of both students and instructors by making some arrangements about the delivery of bluebooks at the examination rooms on the morning of the examinations. As the semis are now near at hand, the advisability of adopting some such plan suggests itself. Although the delivery of books to individual students at such times might entail a great deal of extra trouble on the part of the society, still it seems that some method might be devised by which everybody could be accommodated. Suppose, for instance, that before each examination every student who belongs to the society notifies the superintendent of his intention of taking the examination and requests that a blue-book be reserved for him. Then, on the morning of each examination, the society shall see that a number of blue books equal to the number of members in the course be placed in the examination rooms. Each student then by simply showing his card or a slip to some one in charge can get his book, which he has previously paid for. This plan may not be feasible, but is merely offered as a suggestion. We hope that the society will take some measures of this kind in time for the mid-years.
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