

WE hope that no one will be frightened by this title. We desire not to express an unreasonable ill-humor, but merely to mention a few trifles around the Yard which interfere seriously with the comfort of the undergraduate. And we have chosen a title which expresses our feelings.

1. Why is there no light at the entrance of the Gymnasium? It will not assist a man's physical development seriously to exercise vigorously half an hour to increase the diameter of his leg, and then to fall down the icy steps and fracture the aforesaid member.

2. Why is there no light at the entrance of Sever?

3. Why is there no light at the entrance of Matthews?

4. Why are there no plank walks across the Yard?


5. Why does the College lay a brick walk in front of Holworthy, and then arrange the spouts from the roof of the building so that they discharge directly upon the walk, giving us an inch or two of water in summer and an icy sheet in winter?

6. Why are the drainage arrangements in some of the old buildings so arranged that the cellars and entries are filled with the most stifling of foul odors for a great part of the day?

7. Why is not the Chapel heated above zero on week days?

8. Why is the Chapel heated above 90 on Sunday evenings?

9. Why cannot gratings be placed over the man traps in front of the Hollis and Stoughton cellar windows?

10. Why cannot the Gymnasium be kept open for exercise in the evening the hours advertised?

11. Why does n't the College keep Washington's Birthday?

12. Why does n't the College keep Decoration Day?

13. Why can't some means be devised of letting the students know the votes passed by the Faculty?

14. Why can't we have an elective in Astronomy?

15. Why is the Bursar?

We feel sure that if some of these questions could be answered by rendering them superfluous, the comfort of the undergraduate and the peace and tranquillity of the College would be greatly enhanced.
