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The following account of what is being done at a neighboring college for the study of science will be of interest : "A scientific expedition will be undertaken by Williams College next summer, in which students will join, to procure specimens for use in biology and geology. In future years better advantages for such expeditions will be afforded; for the college has obtained a share in a laboratory which is to be built on the southern coast of Massachusetts, and which will give every facility for the collection of specimens and for original work. It is expected to be the best thing of its kind in the world. A steamer has already been procured, which will be fitted up with apparatus for deep sea dredging, and electric lights for gathering specimens at night and at different depths. There will also be smaller boats to be used as needed. A library will be connected with the laboratory and a stone pier will contain aquaria holding anything from microscopic forms to sharks. Expenses will be borne by the government. The plan will probably be working by the summer of 1885. A series of scientific lectures is projected for the lyceum of natural history next term.
