

The Association of Collegiate Alumnae has issued a circular calling attention to the need for physical education among women students. The circular says: "The association, while recognizing the efforts already made in this direction, respectfully recommend to the consideration of college-governing bodies the following remedies for existing evils: The introduction of a consistent, thorough, and scientific course of physical education for women; the appointment of a thoroughly competent woman as an instructor in this department, who shall superintend the gymnasium, give practical courses of lectures, and be, so far as possible, responsible for the general health of the women in her classes; where the dormitory system obtains, the appointment of a resident physician is also urged; the provision of an adequately equipped gymnasium; the provision of one or more courses of lectures by non-resident specialists on physiology, hygiene, sanitation, heredity, athletics, gymnastics, etc.; the provision of special libraries on subjects pertaining to physical education; careful study in the construction of buildings for recitation and dormitory purposes, with special reference to counteracting the acknowledged evils of the dormitory system; the requirement (whenever practicable) that candidates for admission shall reach a certain standard of attainment in physical education." The circular, advising the taking of statistics, says: "Such statistics should be taken at regular intervals throughout the college course. As taken by Dr. Sargent, of Harvard University, in his ladies' gymnasium at Cambridge, they have proved valuable as well as interesting."
