

June 21st is commencement day at Brown, Princeton and Rutgers; June 29 at Dartmouth.

Newspaper reporters have been excluded from the meetings of the trustees of Columbia College.

The Columbia State University of Missouri has conferred the degree of LL. D., upon Governor Crittenden.

Physical health is required for admission by Wellsley College, and a knowledge of physiology by Cornell University.

Four hundred university students wrecked the offices of the clerical newspapers, Cassandrina and Voce della Verita at Rome, because the former had spoken disrespectfully of Garibaldi.


Martin R. Dennis & Co., of Newark, N. J., have issued a new and revised edition of the "Carmina Princetonia." It is three years since the last edition was issued, and since then a number of new songs have been made popular among the students by the Glee Club.

It is reported that Barnum has made an offer to Oscar Wilde for the latter to sit on top of Jumbo and ride in the street processions. If, instead of Wilde sitting on the elephant, Jumbo were to sit on Wilde, the result would be more satisfactory to the people, and it wouldn't hurt Jumbo much. - [Texas Siftings.

As was hinted by our Michigan correspondent, in a recent letter, the late election of Chronicle editors at Ann Arbor has created so great dissatisfaction as to result in the founding of an opposition paper at the university. This paper will be called the Michigan Argonaut, and its issues will commence with the beginning of the school year next fall. A preliminary circular has been issued which gives some rich developments in regard to the status of affairs at Ann Arbor. It is claimed that one hundred and thirty-two members of the Chronicle association were disfranchised illegally. Excited meetings have since been held and denunciatory resolutions adopted. The Argonaut makes excellent promises for the future, and we have no doubt that competition will improve both papers.
