

Brooks, '85, Yale's fast runner, will probably meet Myers the 10th inst.

The New England Alumni of Oberlin College met in Boston last Friday.

The St. George cricket team defeated the Columbias 101 to 89 Saturday.

Much dissatisfaction is felt at Cornell with the poor instruction in military drill.

One hundred and thirty-four students have attended the Yale Art School during the past year.


A university in the western part of Pennsylvania has been sold for $80,000. Cheap education!

The thirteenth annual commencement exercises of the Yale Art School were held last Friday.

Hanging a bunch of fire crackers to a tutor's door is the favorite amusement with the sophomores of Yale.

Eight hundred and seven candidates for admission have presented themselves at the College of the City of New York.

The 'Varsity nine played the freshmen yesterday a practice game of four innings, and defeated them by a score of 11 to 1.

Goodwin, accompanied by Robinson, the trainer, leaves for New York this evening, to enter in the amateur championship games, which take place Saturday.

Robinson, the trainer, wants all those who have running shoes, trunks, etc., in his room to take them away this morning, as he leaves for New York this afternoon.

Class day at Columbia occurred last Friday. Besides the usual oration, poem and presentations, a number of rollicking parodies on "Patience" were sung, applied locally.

One New York daily estimated the attendance at the Yale-Princeton game at 15,000; another at 7,000. The reporters evidently viewed the crowd with different glasses - contents unknown. [Courant.

The one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Phillips Exeter Academy occurs in 1883, and in anticipation of it a committee has been chosen to prepare for the suitable celebration of the event next June. The following-named gentlemen constitute the committee : The Hon. Chas. H. Bell and Professor George A. Went-worth, of Exeter, N. H., John C. Phillips and Prentiss Cummings, of Boston, and Artemas H. Holmes, of New York.

FURNITURE especially adapted to cottages, mountain houses, hotels, seaside and summer residences can be bought at manufacturers' prices at PAINE'S, 48 Canal street, Boston.
