The English colt Bruce won in the race for the Grand Prix-de-Paris.
The Senate commerce committee is about ready to report favorably on the Hennepin canal bill.
The Lowe Wheeler election contest in the House was ended Saturday by the seating of Lowe.
The Porte is averse to an international conference for the settlement of the Egyptian difficulty.
The Melancholy Club celebrated the birthday of Walt Whitman by a dinner in New York Saturday night.
Prof. Goldwin Smith's attack upon the late Earl of Beaconsfield is severely condemned by the London press.
William Brockway, the notorious counterfeiter, was arrested in New York Saturday and taken to Washington.
Italy is in mourning over the death of Garabaldi, and a great popular demonstration of sorrow is to be arranged.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 5, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, partly cloudy weather, light rain in the northern portions; southwest to northwest winds, higher barometer and no change in temperature.
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