Faculty meeting tonight at 8 o'clock.
Rev. W. H. Furness preached in the chapel yesterday.
W. H. Crawford, formerly of '83, is visiting in Cambridge.
The second lacrosse team will probably play in Boston today.
Prof. Norton entertained the Princeton nine Saturday evening.
Lovering received nine hearty cheers when he appeared on the ball grounds Saturday.
Myers on Saturday broke the record in the 400 yards run, making the distance in 43 5/8 seconds.
Purchases of second-hand furniture cannot be made from the Co-operative Society until after June 14th.
"Up to Saturday Coolidge of the Harvards had made a base hit in twenty consecutive games," says the Boston Herald.
"Sly Ballades in Harvard China" is the mysterious title of a volume announced by a A. Williams & Co. It is to be illustrated by Lambert Hollis.
Yesterday's Boston Herald contains long and interesting interviews with President Eliot and Professors Bowen and Child on the political situation.
Oscar Wilde drove to Cambridge Saturday. He waited on the Brighton bridge nearly an hour expecting to see the 'Varsity crew go out, but was disappointed.
At the funeral of Professor W. B. Rogers at the Institute of Technology, Friday, President Eliot, Dr. Holmes, Professor Peirce and Mr. Agassiz were present from Harvard.
Oscar Wilde said a few days ago that he considered Yale men very rude. He thinks that if Yale would pattern after Harvard more closely it would be in every respect a much better university.
The Glee Club gave a concert in the yard Saturday night in honor of the visiting Princeton nine. There was a large attendance of students who greeted the Princeton visitors and the Glee Club with cheers. The concert was closed by singing "Fair Harvard," in which the crowd joined.
Prof. Thayer of the Andover Theological Seminary has resigned his position, in order to complete his Lexicon of the New Testament Greek which is being printed in Cambridge. He will probably make this his home for the present. This leaves three of the seven chairs in the seminary vacant.
As Mr. Alfred Wood has failed to keep his contract with the Co-operative Society, the board of directors has voted to strike off his name from the list of affiliated tradesmen. The grocery firm of S. S. Pierce & Co., of Boston, has agreed to supply the superintendent of the society with all goods dealt in by them at wholesale rates, and to deliver free of charge at the office of the society. Orders can now be left at the office, and the goods will be delivered at rooms, if desired, by Sawin's express, at a charge of ten cents a package.
FURNITURE. Parlor, chamber, dining-room, library and office furniture. An immense stock in the warerooms of PAINE'S manufactory, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.
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