NEW HAVEN, June 20. Annuals, "which come but once a year," are now almost over, and each low stand man is waiting in fear and trembling for news of his success or failure, as the case may be.
Quite a number of visitors were present at the last chapel service of the year to see '82 make its final bow to the president. It is one of our most pleasing customs at Yale, that in accordance with which the senior class remains daily, after the other classes have departed from chapel, and pays its respects to the president as he proceeds down the centre aisle.
No correspondent could hope to retain his position without introducing a topic of which he could say that it is engrossing everybody's attention and interest. I have mine in the race which is to take place on June 30th. Yale or Harvard - which shall it be? Of course everybody decides to his own satisfaction which is to be victorious. The college is considerably alarmed to hear that Guernsey, who pulls No. 4 in the boat, is ill, but it is hoped that he will be in condition for the race. We hear that New York sporting men are giving 3 to 2 on Harvard, which is probably due to the comparison made between the two crews in the New York Herald a fortnight ago. The crew leave for New London next Thursday morning, and expect to witness the Harvard-Columbia race from their launch.
Yale is congratulating herself on the unexpected feat (or feet, if you will,) of Brooks, '85, who beat Myers in the 220 yards race. Mr. Wendell's gratulatory telegram is regarded as another proof of the good will existing between the two colleges.
Jupiter Pluvius seems to regard our base-ball interests with a moist but unfavorable eye. The game which was to have been played at Amherst yesterday made the fifth which we have been compelled to postpone.
New Haven will be filled next week with graduates and undergraduates, too, for that matter, as an almost unprecedented number expect to stay for the race. Without a doubt, commencement week, with its attendant exercises and freedom from study, is the most delightful part of the year in New Haven. Speaking of commencement recalls the action of your senior class in forbidding the freshmen to participate in the exercises around the class tree. We are waiting to see if a "custom" can be established by vote.
This afternoon the sophomores give the fence to the freshmen, and silly as the custom may at first seem, it is, nevertheless, a most interesting one. The sophomore orator in a supposed humorous speech, gives away that for which "Providence has shaped our ends," as one said not long ago, and the freshman orator then accepts in behalf of his class, and at once proceeds to give as good as he receives if he is able.
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