


The Senate has passed the House bill appropriating $33,000 to continue the work of Arctic exploration and of scientific observation.

M. Roustan, the new French minister, called upon the President yesterday, in company with Secretary Frelinghuysen, and presented his credentials.

A communication was presented in the House today from officers of the navy, urging that the age for retirement in the navy be not changed from 62 to 64.

Games yesterday. At Cleveland, Bostons 9, Clevelands 4; at Buffalo, Buffalos 17, Troys 6; at Chicago, Chicagos 8, Worcesters 7; at Providence, Providence 15, Detroits 5.

A defrauder of Belgian societies, Canon Leonard Bernard, was arrested yesterday at New York as he landed from the steamer. He had in his possession 1,800,000 francs.


At a meeting of the corporation of Brown University at Providence, R. I., yesterday, Rev. E. B. Andrews of the Newton Theological Institute was chosen professor of history, and Dr. C. V. Chapin instructor in physiology.

News comes from New London that Chalfant has resumed his place in the boat. The hour of the race with Columbia has been changed to 6 o'clock in the evening, and Columbia has drawn the west side of the river for her position in the race. The race with Yale is to be rowed at either 10 or 10.15 A. M.

The Senate committee on commerce has added $1,000,000 for the reclamation of the Potomac flats to the river and harbor bill. The Senate bids fair to increase the total appropriation of the river and harbor bill to more than $20,000,000. The House will probably concur. The thirst for the surplus is by no means assuaged.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 23, 1882 - 1 A. M. For New England, slightly warmer fair weather, light westerly to southerly winds and lower barometer.
