Mr. Burton's march will be played as concert music this afternoon.
For Sale - A 48-inch Harvard bicycle. Apply at 3 Matthews.
Wanted. - A good set of furniture. Address H., HERALD office.
The Hillsdale crew has landed at Portsmouth and started for London.
Quite a number of Harvard students attended the Bradford Academy commencement.
Wanted. - To exchange three Sanders Theatre tickets for Memorial Hall tickets. Inquire at 9 Weld.
Wanted. - To exchange three Sanders Theatre tickets for Memorial Hall tickets. Call at 34 Weld.
Prof. Paine has recommended Mr. Morrill for honors in Music, and Messrs. Burton and Wister for highest honors.
Burt was run into by Hopkins yesterday, and his side was injured so that though he played the game out, he will be unable to play any more this season.
All junior ushers will please be at Sanders Theatre at 10 A. M., sharp. They will please wear black cut-away coats and black ties if possible.
G. E. LOWELL, Chief Usher.$10 Reward. - Lost Wednesday morning, near the college, a lady's small gold watch, with silver chatelaine chain. The above reward will be paid to any one leaving the same at Bartlett's.
SUMMER CHAIRS. See variety at PAINE'S, 48 Canal street. Invalid Rolling Chairs, Ladies' Fayal, Japanese Rattan Chairs and Sofas, Spring Rockers (improved), Piazza and Sea Chairs; also outdoor attractions, Lawn and Veranda Furniture. New illustrated catalogue mailed free.
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