
No Headline

EDITORS HARVARD HERALD: I wish to offer some suggestions regarding the question of having an inter-collegiate publication. The Williams Athenaeum of May 27 asks: "Why could not a joint board be made up of representatives from the leading New England colleges, Harvard, Yale, Amherst, Williams, Dartmouth, Brown and Bowdoin?" And in the issue of June 10 says, in reply to the query of the HARVARD HERALD, "Doubtless our own ideal would be somewhat of an Atlantic Monthly for students." In respect to the character and objects of such a publication, I think that it should be published monthly and should aim at representing what is best and most characteristic in college life. It should resemble in some degree both the Atlantic Monthly and Harper's Weekly. It should have a few carefully drawn illustrations so as not to make it of too sober or of too literary a cast; but, above all, its object should not be to contain "funny sketches." There are several points in the detail of the plan which I will briefly consider:

1. How many and who shall be elected editors?

2. Where should the publication be issued?

3. Who should be business manager?

4. What kind of matter should be published?


Two editors from each college might be chosen. The candidates to be selected from those who are in the journalism of the respective colleges, and to be elected by a committee composed of delegates from the several papers of their colleges. The place of publication should be decided by the majority of the elected editors. The editors who lived in the town where the publication was to be issued to constitute the board of business management. The matter should consist of poetry, or of contributions on any literary subject, interesting to the majority of college students. The main work should be done by the editors. Any communications or contributions should be carefully looked over to see that they are not too local.

Such a publication as we have but very imperfectly sketched would, we think, be interesting not only to students, but to graduates. Indeed, there is now a large body of college graduates whose interest in college life has not died out, but who have not the interest to read a college paper containing little else than athletic notes and local hits. By these we think an inter-collegiate monthly would be welcomed as much as by the large majority of students. The college journalism is not enjoyed by the mass of the students. Would not an intercollegiate publication do much to awaken an interest among students in other colleges, and help to increase the sympathy of college men for one another?

D. U.
