

Pierian election this afternoon at 2 o'clock at 13 Matthews.

For Sale - A 48-inch Harvard bicycle. Apply at 3 Matthews.

Wanted. - A good set of furniture. Address H., HERALD office.

A colored freshman at Amherst carried off the first prize in a recent prize reading.

Conditioned men in Entrance Arithmetic will be examined today at 10 o'clock in U. 2.


The Harvard nine will probably play a game with the Metropolitans at Newport in July.

The class of 1879 will have its triennial dinner at the Hotel Brunswick on Tuesday evening.

The State College buildings at Grinnel, Iowa, were recently levelled to the ground by a hurricane.

The present session is known as the "College Commencement Fortnight" at the N. Y. University Club.

Guernsey of the Yale crew is suffering from an abscess, and is temporarily absent from his place in the boat.

Seventy-one per cent. of the girls passed in the recent examinations of the New York public schools, as against forty-eight of the boys.

It is said that Princeton will have a strong lacrosse team next year. Our men are doing everything to "brace" in order to be ready for any emergency.

Pierian officers for next year are: President, Morris Loeb, '83; vice-president, C. E. Hamlim, '84; secretary, M. L. Bradford, '85; director, T. M. Osborn, '84.

The Columbia crew went over the New London course yesterday in its new shell, making the first mile in a little over five minutes. They are said to row a quick but fairly even stroke.

$10 Reward. - Lost Wednesday morning, near the college, a lady's small gold watch, with silver chatelaine chain. The above reward will be paid to any one leaving the same at Bartlett's.

It is probable that '86 will furnish full as many men for lacrosse as '85 has furnished. Phillips Andover Academy is expected to furnish one or two men already initiated into the game.

Some students at Exeter climbed eighty feet to the dome of the town hall, and dressed the Goddess of Justice in an old red skirt after the style of a Modoc squaw. The authorities had a hard time in getting the goddess right again.

Chalfant of the 'Varsity crew is at New London suffering from an abscess over the spine, for which he is under a surgeon's care. Mumford is rowing in Chalfant's place. It is hoped that the latter's trouble will only be temporary and will not prevent his rowing in the Yale race.

The examination in Freshman Analytics yesterday has been declared by a former instructor in mathematics to be the hardest paper ever given in Harvard College. It is to be hoped that the faculty will be convinced by this and by last year's paper that analytics is a subject sufficiently difficult to be removed from the freshman year, and placed among the electives.

The N. Y. World is pleased to state that Mr. Carl Schurz is to enlighten the callow youth of Harvard as to the relation between railroad lobbies and civil service reform. The description of the scholarly members of the Phi Beta Kappa (including so many of the professors and graduates of the university) as "callow youth," is as impudent as it is amusing.

FURNITURE. Parlor, chamber, dining-room, library and office furniture. An immense stock in the warerooms of PAINE'S manufactory, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.
