


The tariff commission was confirmed by the Senate yesterday.

A $68,000 fire occurred at San Francisco yesterday morning.

Yesterday was commencement day at Phillips Andover Academy.

Mormon Bishop Sharp arrived in New York yesterday, on his way to Washington, where he will present a memorial to Congress asking that Utah be admitted as a State.

Base-ball yesterday. - At Cleveland, Clevelands, 5; Bostons, 3. At Buffalo, Troys, 5; Buffalos, 1. At Chicago, Chicagos, 13; Worcesters, 3. At Detroit, Providence, 12; Detroits, 3.


The annual meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Brown was held yesterday, and the following officers elected: President, Prof. J. H. Appleton; vice-president, Demerrick Lyon; treasurer, C. B. Gaff; secretary, Prof. W. C. Poland. The Brown Alumni Association held its annual meeting in the afternoon.

Fifty-seven persons were killed and over 300 wounded at Grinnell and Malcolm, Iowa, recently. The list of wounded in the former town comprises some three hundred names, of which some forty may not recover. An appeal for aid for the sufferers has been sent out. A million dollars is imperatively required for them.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 21, 1882 - 1 A. M. For New England, fair weather, higher barometer, westerly winds, becoming variable, and slight rise in temperature.
