The notice that appears in this issue, from the English department, is one that will be read with the greatest pleasure and satisfaction by all undergraduates. The gentlemen who have in charge the matter of themes and forensics have determined to distribute, before the close of the present academic year, a list of the subjects for the next year, in order that men may be enabled to utilize the summer months in at least a part preparation of their compositions. Life at Cambridge is so full of action, a person's time is usually so completely occupied in the study of the regular courses, that it is almost impossible to devote the just attention to the writing of themes and forensics. Under the new disposition of matters, however, men will be able and glad to anticipate a large amount, if not all, of the work that is necessary to make the writing on assigned subjects of the greatest possible good, and, what is of particular moment, this can be done without any expenditure of the only too short nine months of the regular academic year.
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