

Amherst plays Brown today.

Many class day visitors are already in Cambridge.

'86, it is said, will number over two hundred and sixty men.

The new Marquand Chapel was opened yesterday at Princeton.

The ropes for class day lanterns were arranged in the yard yesterday.


Princeton is said to be in fine condition for her match with Yale on the 24th inst.

The Charles River Railroad Co. are adding two new horse-cars daily to their line.

Princeton defeated the Manhattan College nine last Saturday by a score of 12 to 6.

Amherst defeated the Worcester "Techs," by a score of 16 to 2, at Springfield, Saturday.

The junior crew was not photographed yesterday on account of the inclement weather.

Men are reminded that all books must be returned to the library before leaving Cambridge.

The match between Amherst and Yale, which was to have been played yesterday, was postponed.

All subscriptions for the freshman crew should be paid up before the nine leaves for New York tomorrow.

The Bowdoin Orient says that what that college needs more than anything else is a good five-cent cigar!

A member of '85, who will remain in Cambridge during the summer vacation, desires a few private pupils. Address '85, care HERALD.
