Mr. Sheldon sailed for Europe Saturday.
Commencement at Brown occurs next Wednesday.
There will be a larger number of spreads this year than usual.
Several Harvard men attended class day at Brown last Friday.
George Wright has been elected captain of the Providence nine.
The "small boys" set on fire the cut grass back of Boylston Saturday.
Rev. C. C. Everett will deliver the prayer in Sanders Theatre on class day.
The last number of the University Calendar of this year was issued Saturday.
College undergraduates were employed at the Brown class day as gate-keepers.
Rev. M. J. Drennan occupied the pulpit at the regular chapel services yesterday.
The college faculty meet this evening and the scientific faculty tomorrow evening.
Mr. Burton, chorister of '82, has written a march to be played by the band on class day.
A ball game will probably be played with the University of Michigan on commencement day.
Dilts of the Brown University nine has accepted an offer from the Worcesters for the rest of the season.
A meeting of the class of '85 will be held in Holden this evening at 7 o'clock. A full attendance is requested.
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Class of 1890.