Although the class committee and the secretary have tried to canvass the class thoroughly for subscriptions to the class and college funds, some we have been unable to see and several have desired to consider the matter, so that many who intend to subscribe have given no notice to that effect. I shall therefore be much obliged if all those will inform me soon how much they desire to subscribe. I would remind subscribers that the first instalment (one-fifth) of the class fund subscriptions was due May 1, and the first instalment (one-tenth) of the college fund June 1. It will be much more convenient for me if all are paid before the class separates. I would like to remind you all that class lives do not come in very fast, and as I shall not deem my work done without them, I hope those who have not written their lives will be willing to devote an hour or two to writing them before class day. Of the postals I sent out last week asking for your permanent addresses, a large number remain unreturned to me. It will be impossible for me to keep a good record or to furnish you information about one another during future years unless you promptly send me your addresses. Delay or negligence in this will only make my work more difficult and its results less satisfactory, and I trust therefore that in regard both to this and to class lives you will assist me in getting this information, which it is my duty to obtain, while it is only through your kindness that I can obtain it at all.
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Class of '91.