There are now more than six hundred graduates of Vassar.
The class song this year will be sung before the cheering instead of after, as heretofore.
There are but twenty-two sets of class day tickets remaining unsold.
After Monday there will be a rehearsal of the senior class song every evening at 7.30, in Boylston.
Captain John Codman has recently been lecturing on "Free Trade" before the New York Free Trade Club.
Dr. Maurice Richardson has been appointed to fill Dr. Beach's place as Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Medical School.
A member of '85, who will remain in Cambridge during the summer vacation, desires a few private pupils. Address '85, care HERALD.
The University of Michigan won the championship off the Western College Base-Ball Association, having won every game they played.
A race between the Narragansett, 'Varsity and freshman crews will be held under the auspices of the Union Boat Club tomorrow probably at 2 P.M.
It is proposed that the winner of the Western College Base-Ball championship play the winner of the Eastern college pennant a series of games in June or July.
The trustees of Bryn Mawr College, the institution founded by the late Dr. Joseph W. Taylor, formerly of Philadelphia, who bequeathed about $900,000 for an institution for the education of women, have nearly completed the college building at Bryn Mawr, and it is to be known as "Taylor Hall."
SUMMER CHAIRS. See variety at PAINE'S, 48 Canal street. Invalid Rolling Chairs, Ladies' Fayal, Japanese Rattan Chairs and Sofas, Spring Rockers (improved), Piazza and Sea Chairs; also outdoor attractions, Lawn and Veranda Furniture. New illustrated catalogue mailed free.
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